Business Memberships

How To Join Business/Community Organization Memberships

Our community is home to many businesses, schools, houses of worship, and nonprofit organizations. We encourage any organization with an interest in our community to join the SPCA at one of these levels.

Membership Benefits

Silver $50

  • An emailed link to the Shepherd Park News, our newsletter that is published four times a year.
  • A listing in an issue of the Shepherd Park News with your business name, address, phone number, email address, and website.
  • A listing in the business and community supporters directory on the SPCA website with your name, address, phone number, email address, and website.

Gold $100

  • All of Silver.
  • Live website and email links with your listing in the SPCA business and community supporters directory on the website.

Platinum $150

  • All of Silver and Gold.
  • A $100 credit towards an ad in the Shepherd Park News (credit must be used by the end of the membership year).
  • A 200-word profile of your business in the SPCA business and community supporters directory on the SPCA website.


  • Membership is on a calendar year basis.
  • SPCA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. EIN: 47-4197458
  • For platinum membership, $50 of dues are deductible as a charitable contribution. That is of platinum’s $150, the $100 newsletter credit is not deductible.
  • One hundred percent of silver or gold membership dues are deductible as a charitable contribution

Join online or mail it in: Businesses and Community Membership Application

For more info, email us!